Growing Organic vegetables this year has been hard work. A very wet winter follow by a very wet spring and cool summer has meant that crops have been very late maturing. However courgette have now caught up and cropping well with the mid August sun, runner beans don’t like too much heat and are going well. Sweet Corn looking very good, but have now needed some water and the Pumpkin going orange.
A nice little surprise for both Stoney Cross and the Lyburn Smoked, both being 3 star winners in the great taste awards, and bringing up the rear Old Winchester with 2 stars.
For anyone who has to renew their phone contract going forward, you will be told you are going digital, apparently everyone has to go digital. Well I can tell you after 5 days of chaos, and no phones and no broadband, your going to love this little episode in progressive technology. Jono and I have spent hours on the phone trying to get the technology to work and by tonight we now have broadband roughly 1.5-5 megabit per second, about as effective as a car with 4 flat tyres!!!!!! Looking forward to phones tomorrow. I hope you all enjoy your digital trip.