At the same time that morning, Rachel from Accounts is standing up at a Siemens factory to tell those that wanted to listen, that she was to support and promote a third runway at Heathrow. After the October budget debacle, in an effort to rescue her reputation, she has found a number of capital projects that need to be built yesterday! After years of debate and no progress why do we suddenly need a new runway. Well Frankfurt has four runways, so it stands to reason Heathrow needs three, albeit the local infrastructure is in complete melt down, be it the M25, the trains, water, sewage, leave alone, if they think they are going to build 1.5m new houses, where is the labour to do the job, to come from. The previous Government has already abandoned half of HS2 because it could not cope, and ran out of money. Do we think this Government will do any better, with major projects, no chance?
So what do our cows and 4 airport extensions have in common. Well there are emissions from both, cows give you bit of methane that will be gone in 10 years, the airports will generate vast quantities of CO2 for years to come. You tell me who is creating the global warming Rachel from Accounts, your credibility is shot. Go and have a coffee with Tombstone Ed, your mate Sadiq and sort it out.
The boys are heading to London on 10th February, they have booked their lorry transport, and there are 3 tractors going from our village. If every village south of Birmingham sends a tractor, there’s going to be a lot of tractors in London that day. The lorry operator said ‘I am with you on this one, I will do it at cost’. So it is in the UK, the very people who generate the GDP, are not on board, a bit like Astra Zenica!