July 2010


Over a period of time it has always been Old Winchester that has picked up the prizes, but this year it is the turn of Stoney Cross to steal the lime light. At the great taste awards Stoney Cross takes a 3 star Gold which is about as good at as it gets, to be closely followed by a second in the Great Yorkshire Show behind a Wensleydale, in the speciality class.

Vegetables all now back on track although needing a lot of irrigation, due to the very dry weather, nice crops of courgette and runners. Water comes from the Blackwater that passes near by, using a summer abstraction licence. This hose real can cover about 7 acres a day. Organic Sweetcorn being watered here, on what promises, despite the dry weather, to be a huge crop. We are constantly asked why we chose the Oak Tree as our logo, and the answer is in the background of this picture, as we have these single Oak trees every where.