We are now a week into June, and not only are we dealing with C19, we are being challenged by the weather and no rain, and today a repeat TB test. We continue to slowly claw back our market, bit by bit, as long established customers who have been out of play since February slowly place orders. Our on line portal has surprised us, in that orders regularly turn up in the inbox, predominantly local and easy to service. As this facility evolves we are adding options and very much learning as we go. Everyday there is a surprise, from the number of orders, to some of the lovely comments we receive from our customers. We have learnt that customers do expect a good level of service, they do enjoy good cheese, they do enjoy sending presents to their offspring, mothers, fathers, and those that just need cheering up. We make cheese to add value to our milk because the price we are paid for raw milk is a disgrace, and its tuned out that we make cheese to give our customers a lift, and that is a bonus
The new milking parlour is progressing well, most of the building work has been done, and now has to be fitted out, looking good. We had considered robot milkers but chose not to in the end. There are too many complications fitting robots into an old system, not to mention the cost.